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Pure... fucking ... horror.

Those are the looks on the faces of billion dollar sportsbook executives across the globe.

Put simply...

These “betting big wigs” are scared shitless...

Terrorized by a secret formula that wins more consistently than ANYTHING the sports betting industry has ever seen!

This formula has been proven to consistently produce incredible win streaks.

We’re talking 7… 10… sometimes 12+ days in a row…

...allowing even the most conservative bettors to double or even triple their bankrolls— in just a few short weeks.

Bettors like Bob, who writes...

I have subscribed to Dominators Sports Service from its inception. All I can say is that his picks for all sports have been winners on a consistent basis. He doesn't pick every one correct but his correct picks far outnumber the one he misses on.

The Dominator has transformed me from a losing bettor to a consistent winner.

~ Bob "Tin Man"

And The Books... Have Had Enough...

After being fleeced for countless five figure scores…

Vegas casinos… offshore betting sites… and “in the know” local bookies have become so paranoid…

They’re BANNING Anyone They Even Suspect Of Using This Secret Formula!

A bit drastic? Perhaps.

But I gotta tell ya, their fear is justified.

In fact, it isn’t a stretch to say:

This sportsbetting breakthrough is the biggest threat to “the house’s” profits since the discovery of card counting.

Probably even bigger!

Because unlike counting cards, winning big with this formula doesn’t require hundreds of hours of practice… or the memory of some M.I.T. math geek.

There aren’t any complex skills to “master...”

No boring basic strategy charts to memorize...

No hard work, of ANY kind...

And That’s Why The Sportsbooks Feel So Threatened...

That’s the reason they feel so powerless.

Because this secret sports betting formula instantly grants ANYONE who copies its picks…

The power to add tens— if not hundreds— of thousands of dollars of “house” money to YOUR bankroll THIS year.

And over 1200 regular guys from all walks of life have already been quietly cashing in.

The key word there being... “QUIETLY.”

Because even though you’ll want to brag to your friends about your “secret weapon” that hits more winners than Steph Curry…

Even though you’ll be tempted to throw around piles of newly-won money like you’re making it rain in a freakin’ rap video...

Even though you’ll feel the urge to emasculate your bookie… and taunt him with all the loot you STEAL out of HIS pocket…

That’s A VERY Bad Idea.

You see, this formula exploits critical weaknesses in the betting market.

It gives you an unfair advantage over even the sharpest, highest-paid oddsmakers on the planet…

Which is why, even though it’s perfectly legal to use…

A lot of the sportsbook “suits” consider this formula to be CHEATING.

And everyone knows how “the house” treats cheaters.

So running your mouth about this system… and especially who you got it from…

Is pretty much asking to get taken into the back room for a “talk…”

Tossed out the front door…

Or, depending on the kinda guys YOU actually bet with… maybe a lot worse.

Good news is…

As long as you keep your mouth shut…

There is NO WAY for the house to know you’re using unfair tactics to bleed them dry.

Because This Method Is 100% UNDETECTABLE...

In fact, it’s been consciously coded… to make it look like you’re exactly what the house wants…

Just another sucker who happened to win a lucky bet.

Except… that luck continues to compound, day after day, week after week, month after winning month…

While your bankroll multiplies faster than a bunch of jackrabbits on ecstasy!

And while it’s true… eventually your bookie or sports book WILL catch on… and probably cut off your action for winning too much…

By the time they figure out you were “a sharp in square’s clothing” all along…

It’s too late.

Because you’ve already amassed a mountain of “Fuck You” money.

How do I know all this?

Well… not only have I personally followed this formula for several extremely profitable years now, but...

I Literally Created It Myself.

It was my way of getting REVENGE on all the corrupt, suited-up goons at the casino who harassed me…

Threatened me…

And treated me like a criminal…

Even though the ONLY “crime” I was ever guilty of… was being able to beat them for big money… at their own games.

So Now… I’m Out For Vengeance.

To make these casino fat cats realize BANNING me was literally a BILLION dollar mistake they can’t take back.

Because while I was perfectly content with just grabbing my tiny sliver of the pie and moving on...

Now... it’s my mission - my obsession - to help 10,000 “Regular Joes” each pull in six figures of sports betting profit.

That’s a…

One Billion Dollar Haul!

So, if you...

a) Watch this video to the end, before the powers-that-be have it pulled down...


b) Promise not to mutter a single word about this to ANYONE...

I’ll show you how YOU can use my secret sports betting formula to collect the easiest, most consistent winnings of your life.

But before I get to that…

You’re probably wondering who the hell I am…

...and why you should trust every word you’re hearing right now.

So let me introduce myself.

Hi, my name is Dom...

And for the last 34 years, I’ve been living a double life.

To some, I’m Dominic LoRiggio… a friendly software engineer...

Your typical New York Italian who loves lasagna, a nice bottle of vino, and Big Blue …. The NY Giants.

But to the hundreds of stockbrokers, CEOs, celebrities, and other high-rollers who’ve used MY secret strategies to crush the crooked casinos…

I’m “Dom The Dominator…”

The Man With The Golden Touch...

The Most Feared Bettor On The Face Of The Earth!

Or, as one big-time sharp put it…

The crowd screams "Dom Dom Dom!!!"

Very simple … Thank you for sharing your knowledge. You have made me a winner these past couple of years since I started with you. I now get first class treatment at casinos. I visit because my average play has gotten so much bigger.

Dom, you are my cash cow and I love you for that. In a manly sort of way of course ;).

~ Mike V.

Yeah, I know… the high praise makes me a little uncomfortable too…

But when you take a group of people from “losing their asses…”

To literally raking in millions of dollars of house money…

They tend to see you as a “Gambling God...”

Which, if we’re being frank, I kinda take offense to.

Because what I do… has NOTHING to do with gambling.

Even though a simple Google search for “the top 10 gamblers of all time” brings up MY name…

I am NOT a gambler.

I don’t play hunches. I don’t do superstitions. I don’t hope to “get lucky.”

I am an advantage player…

Meaning, the ONLY time I ever put a dime in the betting circle… is when I have a proven, verifiable, mathematical expectation to profit.

In other words…

I ONLY Bet When The Odds Are Stacked In My Favor!

Fortunately, thanks to my computational background… I have the skills and resources to actually stack those odds…

...and guarantee I receive a positive ROI on every wager I care to make.

Yeah, I know… I sound like someone they’d cast in a GoodFellas remake… but don’t let the accent fool ya.

I actually own and operate a successful software company… and that experience has proven INVALUABLE towards helping secure my “edge.”

Because by combining innovative game theory strategies with computer programming expertise...

I have the ability to turn what are normally “sucker’s games” where “the house always wins...”

...into cash machines for myself… and the high-rollers who pay me a pretty penny for private consulting.

For instance…

My software team and I perfected a simple blackjack formula... that delivers results competitive with anything the smartest M.I.T. card counting prodigies can pull off.

We also built a strategic betting model that maximizes predictability at the craps table.

Basically… by setting the dice a certain way… and betting accordingly... we’re able to exert “control” over how those dice fall.

In other words…

We cut down on the randomness … and greatly increase our chances of going on a MONSTER roll. Like the legendary 53 minute roll that won me over $67,000.00… before I finally seven’d out.

And in sports… well... that’s gonna blow your mind, too.

But for now, all I’ll say is this…

My formula is so accurate… it makes the sharpest Vegas oddsmakers look like your fanboy cousin who bets his favorite team every week, regardless of the spread.

Bottom line...

Over the last couple decades… my clients and I have used these “advantage player” strategies to pull in the kinda coin that would even make your favorite pro athlete jealous.

...which is why THEY come to me for betting advice, too!

Of course... I know these are big claims to make.

In an industry overflowing with scammers… you may be skeptical…

And wondering whether or not I’m the real deal.

The History Channel wondered that, too...

So they forced me to prove that my methods… and my winnings are exactly what I say they are… and completely verifiable.

Because if I couldn’t prove it, they would have never produced an hour-long TV special about me…

Yet that’s my face right there… the star of the documentary Breaking Vegas: Dice Dominator.

Obviously, they had to make sure everything checked out before filming started.

And they weren’t the only ones who did their due diligence.

I’ve also been featured on the A&E Network series Take This Job…

(Where my team and I took on the casinos and WON and it was all filmed!)

On The Travel Channel’s “What Would You Do If?”

In the October 2008 issue of Playboy Magazine…

I’ve also been featured on SiriusXM…

And in countless other books, magazines, newspapers, radio, and TV shows.

But even though all this attention has turned me into a bit of a betting celebrity…

My greatest credential doesn’t come from any media coverage…

It comes from the casinos themselves.

They’ll be the first ones to tell you that I’m the real deal.

They know I have a massive edge over them.

In fact, casinos are so scared of the proven winning strategies in my betting arsenal...

They Literally Refuse To Take My Action!

I’m actually BANNED from ALL 37 casinos in the state of Mississippi.

It’s funny… because a couple years ago, I had no idea there even were 37 casinos in Mississippi.

But today… I can’t even step through the front door of one of them... without being swarmed by a gang of meathead security guards with “the man” in their ear… warning them...

“Do NOT let him play.”

It’s ridiculous!

I mean… there are members of ISIS who have an easier time boarding an airplane than I do getting casinos to take my bets.

And why?

It’s not like I’ve ever been caught cheating…

Or even breaking the rules, for that matter.

I Just Plain Win Too Much!

And Vegas wasn’t built on winners…

...which is why I’m BANNED from 7 casinos there, as well.

I’m not talking about some rinky-dink saloons downtown…

I’m talking about MAJOR strip casinos that normally roll out the red carpet for high-rollers.

The Bellagio is one of the most prestigious casinos in the world.

The amount of big money “whales” flowing through the place is incredible.

Dotcom billionaires… Dubai princes… wealthy Asian businessmen…

People betting $10,000.00 a hand here hardly even raises an eyebrow.

I mean, even at the poker tables… the infamous “Bobby’s Room...” it’s not unheard of for pot sizes to spill over a MILLION bucks.

With all this crazy action going on, you’d imagine I’d just be an insignificant little blip on their radar…

Yet when I went there a few summers ago with my wife and a few of our friends… I definitely had their attention.

My plans were innocent.

Grab dinner… see a show… then maybe make a little bit of money.

Well, those plans quickly changed.

Because before I even got twenty feet from the door, a guy in a purple sport coat came over to break the news to me. He said…

“Dom… welcome to the Bellagio. Enjoy your stay. We appreciate your business… But we do NOT want your action…”

“Your Game Is Too Good.”

I’m not even paraphrasing… that’s exactly what he said.

And sure, he said it with a smile…

He was a lot more polite than the goon pit boss who told me it was “in my best interest” never to show my face in his casino again…

But the underlying message was the same...


Robbed of the opportunity to win their money… in a game where THEY got to set the rules.

Yeah, I was angry that night…

I was embarrassed that our friends got shoo’ed away as well…

Blacklisted from gambling on their FIRST trip to Vegas… just for being with me.

But... in the long-run, being banned from the Bellagio was probably one of the BEST things that happened to me.

Because it was an eye-opening revelation.

I mean… if the biggest casino around… one that PRIDES itself on its high-stakes action… refuses to let me play...

Then it was only a matter of time…

Until I Was BANNED From Every Casino.

Which means my days of dominating table games like blackjack and craps, at least for any substantial amount of money, were numbered.

I was being bullied right out of the game.

But nobody bullies Dom The Dominator!

I couldn’t just lay down and let them take advantage of me...

I’M the advantage player here.

And I spent 34 long, hard years… testing hundreds of theories… and running thousands of computer simulations to BUILD that advantage.

I worked hard for this… and I sure as hell wasn’t gonna let them just take it from me.

Giving Up Was NEVER An Option...

I just needed to find a way to apply my advantage... without having to play a cat and mouse game with casino security.

I needed a system that allowed me to use my mathematical edge to generate huge paydays…

...WITHOUT having to be physically present in the casino, where I’d get picked up by the “eye in the sky.”

Sure, I could’ve easily bankrolled my own “blackjack team” or “craps crew...” and had them implement my systems for me...

But… being part of such teams in the past, I know how much of a headache they can be.

One ego is all it takes to have everything blow up in your face.

Besides… I Was Thinking On A MUCH Larger Scale.

After all, this was about REVENGE on a corrupt casino industry that consistently takes advantage of suckers…

While cowering whenever they encounter a fair fight.

I wanted to make them pay… dearly.

And if they refused to fight me head on, I had to find another way in…

So I Went Through The TRILLION Dollar Back Door…

That’s what Reuters estimates the global sports betting industry to be worth.

To put that in perspective… that’s over 13 times greater than the $73.3 BILLION U.S. casinos generated in 2015.

Which means…

There’s thirteen times more house money up for grabs!

And that money is WAY easier to get by betting sports than through blackjack or craps.

Because in table games… we’re depending on the turn of a card… or the roll of a die.

Sure, we shift the odds in our favor by betting smart…

But when all's said and done, we’re still putting ourselves at the mercy of inanimate objects.

So… even if we play perfectly… the nature of these games means that the outcome is largely out of our control.

We’re still fighting an uphill battle against randomness… which lessens our edge and puts a cap on the amount we can win.

But in sports betting… there is far less randomness.

With the enormous amount of information available to us today, we’re privy to every little detail about the sports teams we bet on.

We have all types of advanced stats… showing us how teams perform in different scenarios.

At home...

On the road...

On short rest...

Coming off a bye week...

You name it.

We know how teams perform against different kinds of opponents…

  • How do they fair against a high-powered passing attack?
  • Is their offence able to handle a zone defence?
  • Can the heart of their lineup hit lefty pitchers?

Hell… with today’s social media, we even have real-time access to beat writers who spend hours per day covering these teams.

So when two players get into a locker room scuffle… we hear about it.

When a star player misses practice due to a family emergency… we hear about it.

When a team is fed up with their inept coach… and call a “players only” meeting… we hear about it.

Access to this type of info is UNHEARD of in any other form of investing…

And some of the biggest players around are taking notice.

Billionaire “Shark Tank” investor Mark Cuban came forward and floated the idea of creating a sports betting “hedge fund…”

Citing the fact there’s FAR better information available on sports teams… than ANY company trading on the stock market.

And all this information is available to us… BEFORE we’re ever asked to risk a DIME of our money.

So when you compare sports betting to something like blackjack… it’s no contest.

It’s the difference between making the most out of the hand you were dealt…

And Literally Being Able To Choose Your Cards!

As long as you take advantage of the information available to you…

Sports betting is like waiting until you’re dealt an ace…

THEN deciding how much you want to win.

That kind of advantage is LETHAL when you put it in the hands of a data junkie like me.

I’ve been a profitable sports bettor for over twenty years…

But after I was banned by the Bellagio...

I realized I needed to REALLY focus my attention on squeezing massive value out of this lucrative opportunity.

The sports betting market offers unparalleled profit potential... because that market is extremely inefficient.

It has so many glaring weaknesses…

Easily predictable patterns that may go unnoticed to the untrained eye…

But are painfully obvious to—and are BEGGING to be exploited by— people who can “read the code.”

That’s where my software team and I come in.

We’ve been communicating in coded languages for decades…

So when we started compiling our own databases of advanced statistics…

And cross referencing those stats against a team’s power ratings… and the current betting lines…

We were able to easily identify—and eliminate— all public biases…

And determine what the TRUE ODDS of any game should be!

This gives us an ENORMOUS advantage over even the sharpest oddsmakers on the planet.


It Gives Us An Insurmountable “House Edge...” Over The Damn House!

Because the oddsmakers HAVE to account for that public perception.

That’s their job!

It’s their number one concern…

To ensure a balanced amount of action on both sides of every game.

But we don’t have those limitations.

All we care about… is determining who’s going to win the game… and by how much.

So by eliminating all public perception… and focusing on the TRUE ODDS…

It guarantees that our projections are ALWAYS going to be more accurate than the oddsmakers.

Do you understand the importance of what I just said?

Because oddsmakers have to worry about “creating action on both sides…”

While all we have to do is determine the likely winner…

It is literally IMPOSSIBLE for them to beat us over the long run!

Our “edge” is too high for them to win.

So... as long as we stay selective…

And ONLY bet the games with substantial differences between the TRUE ODDS… and perceived odds…

We’re able to maintain the kind of win rate that can double (or even triple) a bankroll… in a matter of weeks!

Exciting, right?

But don’t get too far ahead of yourself… because it’s NOT easy.

I mean… look at all the work that goes into this.

First… you gotta crunch all the advanced statistics…

Then you gotta analyze how the two teams match up…

Then you adjust for any situational modifiers… like whether a team’s in a “let down” spot after a big win… or looking ahead to next week’s game with their division rival…

Then you isolate and eliminate the perception biases to come up with the TRUE odds…

And finally, you compare those odds to the current betting lines to determine whether or not there’s enough value there.

It’s an exhaustive process that can take HOURS for each game you analyze…

And considering there are often dozens—if not hundreds— of games on the board in any given day…

Actually using this strategy—as profitable as it is in theory—just isn’t possible.

...unless… you happen to be a betting expert slash computer programmer… with a knack for automation… and an entire software development team at your disposal.

Or… if you happen to know me, of course.

That’s right…

NOW you can get excited.

Because my team and I have created an automated formula that processes ALL the heavy sports betting analysis for us.

This formula allows us to determine the TRUE ODDS of every single game on the board…

...then all we gotta do is simply cherry-pick the absolute BEST games being played that day.

The games with the highest percentage of— not just winning, but— EASILY smashing the spread.

Usually… there are 2-3 of these games per day…

So yeah, this formula is selective…

But it still generates more than enough action to ensure we NEVER have to force a play.

That’s the secret behind our sky-high win rate.

When my husband took your craps course we signed up for your Football subscription and boy are we glad we did. You've been fantastic! We knew you were great in craps and blackjack but we had no idea you were a sharp shooter in sports as well!

~ Anna C.

And today… you’re getting the opportunity to cash in on EVERY single winner this formula generates.

Because you stuck with me through this video… I’m personally inviting you to take part in my “revenge tour” as you use my secret sports betting formula to…

Unlock The Wildest, Most Consistent, Bankroll-Multiplying Win Streak Of Your Life!

All YOU gotta do is take two simple steps.

The first step?

I need you to PROMISE to keep this between you and me.

I don’t want you telling a single soul that my formula is what’s responsible for the wheelbarrows full of cash you’ll soon be raking in.

You may think you’re doing me a favor by spreading the word…

But I’m here to produce winners for you… not problems.

When you mention my name around casinos… sportsbooks… or even some well-connected bookies, the people whose pockets you’re digging into tend to get real nervous.

I don’t need them asking questions… or trying to figure out my patterns…

Because even though I’m BANNED from a number of these places…

I’m lucky to have a lot of friends and family who like to make BIG BETS… with money I may or may not be supplying.

Catch my drift?

Then please… do me a favor… and let this stay our little secret.

If you can promise me that…

Then the next step is to simply choose one of the subscription options on the right.

Once you do that, you’ll instantly be able to access the private Vegas Domination member’s area… where ALL our winning picks are stored.

And believe me… there will be NO shortage of winners… because our formula does not discriminate.

It maintains a sky-high win rate in ALL major sports:





College Football

College Basketball

...and when the numbers work out, even horse racing,

MMA, and boxing.

And while my sports betting formula is the most reliable handicapping weapon there is…

I want to assure you that I manually review EVERY single pick it generates.

I run the picks through a stringent checklist of my own…

I make sure everything checks out… that it’s all copacetic…

Then as soon as I personally put my own money down on these winning selections… I release ‘em to you.

That’s right… your picks come directly from me, Dom The Dominator, one of the most feared bettors in the history of gambling.

So go ahead and choose one of the subscriptions on the right… and let’s start fattening up your bank roll.

As you can see… no matter which subscription you choose… they’re all drastically underpriced.

I mean… someone with my credentials and proven track record could easily charge ten times the small subscription fee you’re investing today.

Hell… I could charge 20 times what I’m asking… and it’d still be an absolute steal compared to the value you’re getting.

But you already know the deal.

You know how personal this is to me.

I’m not interested in taking your money.

I want to help YOU take home five… or maybe even six-figures of the house’s money… this year.

The only reason I even included this ridiculously low subscription fee at all is to try and weed out some of the tire-kickers…

And snitches who won’t keep their mouths shut, even though I asked politely… multiple times… that they keep this formula a secret.

It’s a filter mechanism… designed to discourage losers from coming on board.

Because let’s be real… if anyone has to even think twice about the small subscription fee… they probably aren’t actually betting the games anyway.

And that’s just a waste of my time.

So… we’ll see if this keeps the tirekickers away.

If it doesn’t, I’ll be forced to continue raising the price… until the member’s area ONLY contains betting badasses ready and willing to FIRE on the winners I’m handing out.

That’s why… I strongly suggest you select the yearly package.

It makes you immune to any price hikes I may be forced into…

And locks you in at less than $2.75 a day… for ALL my daily winners… for the entire year.

You can’t even get a Starbucks for that much anymore!

And if you’re a $100 bettor… you can easily pay off your entire year’s subscription in your first week… then anything you win over the next 51 weeks is pure profit.

So obviously, if your bankroll allows, the yearly subscription is the way to go.

It’s just the safest option that’ll save you (and more importantly… MAKE you) the most money in the long-run.

But if cash is tight right now, go with one of the shorter subscriptions.

The ONLY mistake you can really make… is to not choose a subscription at all.

So whether you go with the recommended year… or would rather start week-to-week and let your winnings pay your subscription FOR you...

The Important Thing Is… That You Get Inside Today!

Because once you get inside… and actually get to taste the daily winners Chef Dom is serving up…

I know you’ll ride with me for life anyway…

Like Dustin who wrote…

Dom, I took your advice and bet basketball even though I use to only bet football and I am glad I did. Let me tell you... You are the man! It was easy to just follow your plays. As a result, my sports betting account has grown and I don’t know a thing about basketball or hockey. I'm loving it!

~ Dustin B.

And make no mistake about it…

I WILL Be Serving Up The Winners!

After 34 years of successful betting, I’d actually be willing to wager my LIFE on my system’s ability to produce.

Unfortunately, Clickbank, the secure payment processor I use to handle your membership doesn’t allow me to offer those terms.

Some shit about insurance premiums, who knows…

They do, however, allow me to remove ALL the risk from your shoulders by offering a 60 day, full-satisfaction…

“Guaranteed Profit”
Money Back Guarantee!

That gives you 8 full weeks to test drive my picks… and prove to yourself that it’s the most profitable betting strategy you’ve EVER followed.

Two full months to stack one sizzling win streak after another… boosting your bankroll to the highest point it’s ever been.

Because after 60 days, you must be truly blown away by the amount of winners I serve up to you...

You must be 100% convinced that tailing my picks was the single greatest decision of your entire betting life…

All of that MUST be true for you…

Or… I’ll gladly return every penny of whatever investment you make today...

No hard feelings.

No questions asked.

I mean sure, inside I may be wondering why you’d want to walk away from such a sure thing… but I’ll never hassle you about it.

Because I spent 34 years building my reputation.

And I have enough enemies INSIDE the casinos… I don’t need any on the outside.

So either you’re so thrilled with all the winners I give you… you wanna build a statue in my honor…

Or I don’t want your money, period.

Got that?

You Literally Have Nothing To Lose Here!

I’m offering you a FREEROLL.

And not one of those BS freerolls… where the casinos give you $50 in slot play to get you through the door.

The freeroll I’m offering has the proven potential to turn you into a true high-roller…

The guy who gets to regularly enjoy four and five-figure paydays…

All because you had the stones to jump in on this incredible opportunity when it was presented to you today.

Don’t let this opportunity go to waste.

This is THE shortcut to sports betting success.

Nobody else can duplicate the resources you’re getting access to today.

I’m giving you the goods...

In just seconds from now, you can possess a MASSIVE advantage over even the best oddsmakers on the planet.

Then all you gotta do is apply that advantage with one of the thousands of sportsbooks or local bookies willing to take your action right now.

Better yet… spread your action out across a few different books…

Maybe even do your buddy Dom a favor and put a few beatings on the Bellagio, too.

It’s good to mix it up...

Stay under the radar...

That’s how you keep yourself from getting BANNED.

You give ‘em the false hope of thinking you’re just getting lucky… and eventually, they’ll get back the stacks of cash we pry from their greedy hands.

But you and I know the truth...

You and I know they CAN’T get it back.

Because this time, WE have the “house edge...”

They’re drawing dead…

And it’s only a matter of time until we bleed them dry.

But hey… they’ll find that out the hard way.

For now… it’ll be our little secret.